- OCI错误码:是OCI接口返回码错误时,通过OCIErrorGet的errcodep参数获取。
- OCI错误信息:是OCI接口返回码错误时,通过OCIErrorGet的bufp参数获取。
OCI 返回码 | 值 | 描述 |
OCI_SUCCESS | 0 | The function completed successfully. |
OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO | 1 | The function completed successfully; a call to OCIErrorGet() returns additional diagnostic information. This may include warnings. |
OCI_NO_DATA | 100 | The function completed, and there is no further data. |
OCI_ERROR | -1 | The function failed; a call to OCIErrorGet() returns additional information. |
OCI_INVALID_HANDLE | -2 | An invalid handle was passed as a parameter or a user callback was passed an invalid handle or invalid context. No further diagnostics are available. |
OCI_NEED_DATA | 99 | The application must provide runtime data. |
OCI_STILL_EXECUTING | -3123 | The service context was established in nonblocking mode, and the current operation could not be completed immediately. The operation must be called again to complete. OCIErrorGet() returns ORA-03123 as the error code. |
OCI_CONTINUE | -24200 | This code is returned only from a callback function. It indicates that the callback function wants the OCI library to resume its normal processing. |
OCI_ROWCBK_DONE | -24201 | This code is returned only from a callback function. It indicates that the callback function is done with the user row callback. |
表1 错误码映射列表
错误码 | 描述 |
90000 | 数组越界param invalid position |
90001 | 绑定参数失败OCI2ODBC_Bind_Mapping not suppot |
90002 | 绑定参数指针错误bindp odbcbpp error |
90003 | 连接用户名或者密码错误dblink or username or password error |
90004 | OCI官方文档中提到若pos超过字段数,会返回ORA-24334,这里未处理错误码 out of range |
90005 | 分片操作不可用的类型 Is not valid Type |
90006 | 服务上下文句柄为空OCIStmtPrepare svchp is NULL |
90007 | bad |
90008 | 错误的数据量或者模式Error nrows or orientation or mode |
90009 | SQLNumParams前后判断前面分析不正确Error binds params |
90010 | LOB结构体里没有申请内存 null pointer |
90011 | OCIClose只支持OCI_DTYPE_FILE和OCI_DTYPE_LOB OCILobClose not suppports |
90012 | Lob没有打开 Lob has not opened |
90013 | OCI_DTYPE_FILE has not supported to trim |
90014 | OCILobTrim only supports OCI_DTYPE_LOB |
90015 | invaile username len or password len or dbname len |
90016 | Cannot bind keywords |
90017 | invaild fmt or fmt_length |
90018 | buffer or buf_size error |
90019 | invaild out pointer |
90020 | invalid input param |
90021 | Temporarily only provide compatibility interface |
90022 | Please check username, username length, password, password length, old password, old password length. |
90023 | invalid time value |
90024 | invalid locp->defnp point |
90025 | OCILobRead :actul data length is larger than bufl |
90026 | invaild the length indicator returned by the SQLGetData |
91000 | 无法映射的错误 |
返回错误消息和 Oracle 数据库错误代码。
OCIErrorGet在OCI的函数返回 OCI_ERROR 或 OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO 的 OCI 调用之后调用 OCIErrorGet(),否则 OCIErrorGet() 可能会发现来自某些早期 OCI 调用的错误消息导致错误。 为避免此问题,仅应在返回 OCI_ERROR 或 OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO 的 OCI 调用之后调用 OCIErrorGet()。
错误句柄最初是通过调用 OCIHandleAlloc() 分配的。
sword OCIErrorGet ( void *hndlp,
ub4 recordno,
OraText *sqlstate,
sb4 *errcodep,
OraText *bufp,
ub4 bufsiz,
ub4 type );
- Hndlp(IN):通常是错误句柄或环境句柄( OCIEnvCreate()、OCIHandleAlloc()上的错误)。
- recordno(IN):指示应用程序从中寻找信息的状态记录。 从 1 开始。
- sqlstate(OUT):版本 8.x 或更高版本不支持。
- errcodep(OUT):返回的错误代码。
- bufp(OUT):返回的错误消息文本。
bufsiz(IN):为错误消息提供的缓冲区大小,以字节数为单位。 如果错误消息长度大于 bufsiz,则在 bufp 中返回截断的错误消息文本。
- 如果 type 设置为 OCI_HTYPE_ERROR,则 OCIErrorGet() 截断期间的返回码为 OCI_ERROR。 然后客户端可以指定更大的缓冲区并再次调用 OCIErrorGet()。
- 如果 bufsiz 足以容纳整个消息文本并且可以成功地将消息复制到 bufp,则 OCIErrorGet() 的返回码是 OCI_SUCCESS。
使用以下常量之一定义错误消息缓冲区长度,用户可以在其中从 OCIErrorGet()获取返回的消息:
# define OCI_ERROR_MAXMSG_SIZE 1024 /* max size of an error message */ # define OCI_ERROR_MAXMSG_SIZE2 3072 /* new length max size of an error message */