gs_sdr -t start -m [primary|disaster_standby] [-U DR_USERNAME] [-W DR_PASSWORD] [-X XMLFILE] [--json JSONFILE] [--time-out=SECS] [-l LOGFILE]
gs_sdr -t failover [-l LOGFILE]
gs_sdr -t switchover -m [primary|disaster_standby] [--time-out=SECS] [-l LOGFILE]
gs_sdr -t stop [-X XMLFILE] [--json JSONFILE] [-l LOGFILE]
gs_sdr -t query [-l LOGFILE]
-?, --help
-V, --version
- 搭建容灾关系前,主集群需创建容灾用户,用于容灾鉴权,主备集群必须使用相同的容灾用户名和密码,一次容灾搭建后,该用户密码不可修改。若需修改容灾用户名与密码,需要解除容灾,使用新的容灾用户重新进行搭建。容灾用户密码中不可包含以下字符:“| ;&$<>`\'“{}()[]~*?!\n空白”。
- -U、-W 参数如果搭建命令行未带,则在搭建过程中支持交互式输入。
<!-- 每台服务器上的节点部署信息 --> <DEVICELIST> <DEVICE sn="pekpomdev00038"> <!-- 当前主机上需要部署的主DN个数 --> <PARAM name="dataNum" value="1"/> <!-- 主DN的基础端口号 --> <PARAM name="dataPortBase" value="26000"/> <!-- 本集群dn分片各节点用于SSH可信通道的IP与流复制的IP映射关系 --> <PARAM name="localStreamIpmap1" value="(,,(,"/> <!-- 对端集群dn分片各节点用于SSH可信通道的IP与流复制的IP映射关系 --> <PARAM name="remoteStreamIpmap1" value="(,,(,,(,,(,,(,"/> <!-- 对端集群的主dn端口号 --> <PARAM name="remotedataPortBase" value="26000"/> </DEVICE>
{"remoteClusterConf": {"port": 26000, "shards": [[{"ip": "", "dataIp": ""}, {"ip": "", "dataIp": ""}, {"ip": "", "dataIp": ""}, {"ip": "", "dataIp": ""}, {"ip": "", "dataIp": ""}]]}, "localClusterConf": {"port": 26000, "shards": [[{"ip": "", "dataIp": ""}, {"ip": "", "dataIp": ""}]]}} 参数说明: # remoteClusterConf:对端集群的dn分片信息。其中port为对端集群主dn的端口,{"ip": "", "dtaIp": ""}为对端集群dn分片上各节点用于SSH可信通道的IP与流复制的IP映射关系。 # localClusterConf:本集群的dn分片信息。其中port为本集群主dn的端口,{"ip": "", "dtaIp": ""}为本集群dn分片上各节点用于SSH可信通道的IP与流复制的IP映射关系。
-X, --json的配置方式请参考本节容灾搭建参数配置。
gs_sdr -t start -m primary -X /opt/install_streaming_primary_cluster.xml --time-out=1200 -U 'hadr_user' -W 'Admin@123' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming disaster recovery start 2b9bc268d8a111ecb679fa163e2f2d28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start create streaming disaster relationship ... Got step:[-1] for action:[start]. Start first step of streaming start. Start common config step of streaming start. Start generate hadr key files. Streaming key files already exist. Finished generate and distribute hadr key files. Start encrypt hadr user info. Successfully encrypt hadr user info. Start save hadr user info into database. Successfully save hadr user info into database. Start update pg_hba config. Successfully update pg_hba config. Start second step of streaming start. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Successfully check instance status. Successfully check cm_ctl is available. Successfully check cluster is not under upgrade opts. Start checking disaster recovery user. Successfully check disaster recovery user. Start prepare secure files. Start copy hadr user key files. Successfully copy secure files. Start fourth step of streaming start. Starting reload wal_keep_segments value: 16384. Successfully reload wal_keep_segments value: 16384. Start fifth step of streaming start. Successfully set [/omm/CMServer/backup_open][0]. Start sixth step of streaming start. Start seventh step of streaming start. Start eighth step of streaming start. Waiting main standby connection.. Main standby already connected. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Start ninth step of streaming start. Starting reload wal_keep_segments value: {'6001': '128'}. Successfully reload wal_keep_segments value: {'6001': '128'}. Successfully removed step file. Successfully do streaming disaster recovery start.
gs_sdr -t start -m disaster_standby -X /opt/install_streaming_standby_cluster.xml --time-out=1200 -U 'hadr_user' -W 'Admin@123' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming disaster recovery start e34ec1e4d8a111ecb617fa163e77e94a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start create streaming disaster relationship ... Got step:[-1] for action:[start]. Start first step of streaming start. Start common config step of streaming start. Start update pg_hba config. Successfully update pg_hba config. Start second step of streaming start. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Successfully check instance status. Successfully check cm_ctl is available. Successfully check cluster is not under upgrade opts. Start build key files from remote cluster. Start copy hadr user key files. Successfully build and distribute key files to all nodes. Start fourth step of streaming start. Start fifth step of streaming start. Successfully set [/omm/CMServer/backup_open][2]. Stopping the cluster by node. Successfully stopped the cluster by node for streaming cluster. Start sixth step of streaming start. Start seventh step of streaming start. Start eighth step of streaming start. Starting the cluster. Successfully started primary instance. Please wait for standby instances. Waiting cluster normal... Successfully started standby instances. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Start ninth step of streaming start. Successfully removed step file. Successfully do streaming disaster recovery start.
gs_sdr -t switchover -m disaster_standby -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming disaster recovery switchover 6897d15ed8a411ec82acfa163e2f2d28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start streaming disaster switchover ... Streaming disaster cluster switchover... Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Parse cluster conf from file. Successfully parse cluster conf from file. Successfully check cluster is not under upgrade opts. Got step:[-1] for action:[switchover]. Stopping the cluster. Successfully stopped the cluster. Starting the cluster. Successfully started primary instance. Please wait for standby instances. Waiting cluster normal... Successfully started standby instances. Start checking truncation, please wait... Stopping the cluster. Successfully stopped the cluster. Starting the cluster. Successfully started primary instance. Please wait for standby instances. Waiting cluster normal... Successfully started standby instances. . The cluster status is Normal. Successfully removed step file. Successfully do streaming disaster recovery switchover.
gs_sdr -t switchover -m primary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming disaster recovery switchover 20542bbcd8a511ecbbdbfa163e77e94a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start streaming disaster switchover ... Streaming disaster cluster switchover... Waiting for cluster and instances normal... Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Parse cluster conf from file. Successfully parse cluster conf from file. Successfully check cluster is not under upgrade opts. Waiting for switchover barrier... Got step:[-1] for action:[switchover]. Stopping the cluster by node. Successfully stopped the cluster by node for streaming cluster. Starting the cluster. Successfully started primary instance. Please wait for standby instances. Waiting cluster normal... Successfully started standby instances. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Successfully removed step file. Successfully do streaming disaster recovery switchover.
gs_sdr -t failover -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming disaster recovery failover 65535214d8a611ecb804fa163e2f2d28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start streaming disaster failover ... Got step:[-1] for action:[failover]. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Successfully check cluster is not under upgrade opts. Parse cluster conf from file. Successfully parse cluster conf from file. Got step:[-1] for action:[failover]. Starting drop all node replication slots Finished drop all node replication slots Stopping the cluster by node. Successfully stopped the cluster by node for streaming cluster. Start remove replconninfo for instance:6001 Start remove replconninfo for instance:6002 Start remove replconninfo for instance:6003 Start remove replconninfo for instance:6005 Start remove replconninfo for instance:6004 Successfully removed replconninfo for instance:6001 Successfully removed replconninfo for instance:6004 Successfully removed replconninfo for instance:6003 Successfully removed replconninfo for instance:6002 Successfully removed replconninfo for instance:6005 Start remove pg_hba config. Finished remove pg_hba config. Starting the cluster. Successfully started primary instance. Please wait for standby instances. Waiting cluster normal... Successfully started standby instances. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Try to clean hadr user info. Successfully clean hadr user info from database. Successfully removed step file. Successfully do streaming disaster recovery failover.
gs_sdr -t stop -X /opt/install_streaming_standby_cluster.xml -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming disaster recovery stop dae8539ed8a611ecade9fa163e77e94a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start remove streaming disaster relationship ... Got step:[-1] for action:[stop]. Start first step of streaming stop. Start second step of streaming start. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Check cluster type succeed. Successfully check cluster is not under upgrade opts. Start third step of streaming stop. Start remove replconninfo for instance:6001 Start remove replconninfo for instance:6002 Successfully removed replconninfo for instance:6001 Successfully removed replconninfo for instance:6002 Start remove cluster file. Finished remove cluster file. Start fourth step of streaming stop. Start remove pg_hba config. Finished remove pg_hba config. Start fifth step of streaming start. Starting drop all node replication slots Finished drop all node replication slots Start sixth step of streaming stop. Successfully check cluster status is: Normal Try to clean hadr user info. Successfully clean hadr user info from database. Successfully removed step file. Successfully do streaming disaster recovery stop.
gs_sdr -t query -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming disaster recovery query 1201b062d8a411eca83efa163e2f2d28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start streaming disaster query ... Successfully check cluster is not under upgrade opts. Start check archive. Start check recovery. Start check RPO & RTO. Successfully execute streaming disaster recovery query, result: {'hadr_cluster_stat': 'archive', 'hadr_failover_stat': '', 'hadr_switchover_stat': '', 'RPO': '0', 'RTO': '0'}