




SHOW PLUGINS用于查看当前数据库中的插件清单。











        Name        |  Status  | Type | Library | License |                                           Comment
 hstore             | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
 pg_zhtrgm          | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
 postgres_fdw       | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
 fuzzystrmatch      | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | determine similarities and distance between strings
 pgroonga           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Super fast and all languages supported full text search index based on Groonga
 plpython3u         | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
 pgcrypto           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | cryptographic functions
 file_fdw           | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
 plpgsql            | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | PL/pgSQL procedural language
 walminer           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | analyse wal to SQL
 jdbc_fdw           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for remote servers available over JDBC
 uuid-ossp          | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
 security_plugin    | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | provides security functionality
 dblink             | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
 pljson             | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | PL/JSON provides packages and APIs for dealing with JSON formatted data within PL/SQL code.
 btree_gin          | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
 pgstattuple        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | show tuple-level statistics
 vb_bulkload        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | vb_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for openGauss
 roach_api_stub     | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | roach api stub
 mysql_fdw          | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
 pageinspect        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
 log_fdw            | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Foreign Data Wrapper for accessing logging data
 decoderbufs        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
 pg_bulkload        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
 dist_fdw           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for distfs access
 oracle_fdw         | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
 pgroonga_database  | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | PGroonga database management module
 pg_stat_statements | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
 ltree              | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
 zhparser           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | a parser for full-text search of Chinese
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2、创建插件pgcrypto 。

create extension pgcrypto;




        Name        |  Status  | Type | Library | License |                                           Comment
 hstore             | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
 pg_zhtrgm          | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
 postgres_fdw       | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
 fuzzystrmatch      | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | determine similarities and distance between strings
 pgroonga           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Super fast and all languages supported full text search index based on Groonga
 plpython3u         | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
 pgcrypto           | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | cryptographic functions
 file_fdw           | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
 plpgsql            | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | PL/pgSQL procedural language
 walminer           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | analyse wal to SQL
 jdbc_fdw           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for remote servers available over JDBC
 uuid-ossp          | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
 security_plugin    | ACTIVE   |      | NULL    |         | provides security functionality
 dblink             | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
 pljson             | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | PL/JSON provides packages and APIs for dealing with JSON formatted data within PL/SQL code.
 btree_gin          | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
 pgstattuple        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | show tuple-level statistics
 vb_bulkload        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | vb_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for openGauss
 roach_api_stub     | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | roach api stub
 mysql_fdw          | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
 pageinspect        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
 log_fdw            | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Foreign Data Wrapper for accessing logging data
 decoderbufs        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
 pg_bulkload        | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
 dist_fdw           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign-data wrapper for distfs access
 oracle_fdw         | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
 pgroonga_database  | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | PGroonga database management module
 pg_stat_statements | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
 ltree              | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
 zhparser           | DISABLED |      | NULL    |         | a parser for full-text search of Chinese
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